South-South and Triangular Cooperation and Networks for Global Governance
Project description
Project title: South-South/Triangular Cooperation and Networks for Global Governance (SSTC/NGG)
Commissioned by: Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)
Country: Indonesia
Lead executing agency: Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS)
Overall term: 2014 to 2019
Internationally, Indonesia is considered a middle income country. The country plays an active role in regional and global forums and discussions, is an important actor in the ASEAN community and a member of the G20. International agreements, such as the 2030 Agenda, the Paris Declaration for Aid Effectiveness and the Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation, have become part of Indonesia’s instruments for international cooperation. They are all aimed at improving the quality and effectiveness of development cooperation. Indonesia has integrated these elements into its national strategy.
South-South and triangular cooperation arrangements are key tools of international cooperation. South-South cooperation is a broad framework for collaboration among countries of the South in the political, economic, social, cultural and technical domains. It may involve two or more countries.
In triangular cooperation, developed countries work with middle income and developing countries to plan and fund joint cooperation projects before implementing them. This form of cooperation enables particularly intensive knowledge-sharing at an international level, and encourages all three partners to learn from each other. One of the objectives pursued by German development cooperation is to further increase the impact of its development projects. Triangular cooperation arrangements are also designed to make it easier for the partners to meet on an equal standing and tackle global development problems together. At the same time, they offer an opportunity to establish a common understanding of development policy and discuss standards, criteria and values.
Indonesia has been sharing its knowledge and experience with other middle income and developing countries since the 1950s, and its role in South-South and Triangular Cooperation has grown considerably in recent years. The country is also becoming increasingly involved in Networks for Global Governance.
Over the past few years, Indonesia has taken further important steps in to contribute more strongly to South-South and triangular cooperation, and to improve the quality of its contribution. One of the drivers of this commitment is the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals. In 2010, the Indonesian Government formed the National Coordination Team for South-South and Triangular Cooperation (NCT). Its tasks include coordinating the cooperation programmes, drafting cooperation arrangements with development partners, and monitoring and evaluating the programmes. In order to build on the achievements of the National Coordination Team, the Indonesian Government is also planning to establish a development agency.
In addition, the country is very active in global networks. For example, Indonesia is a founding member of the ASEAN community. The country played a leading role in preparing the Sustainable Development Goals, and is a major driving force in their implementation.
The Indonesian international development cooperation system has been strengthened.
The project is working in cooperation with the Government of Indonesia to build on the current results achieved through South-South and Triangular Cooperation and Networks for Global Governance.
With the participation of civil society, the private sector and research organisations, the project team advises relevant institutions of international development cooperation on organisational structures and processes. The tools used include workshops, conferences, specialist advice from experts and knowledge sharing in national and international forums.
To intensify South-South and triangular cooperation, the project is working with the National Coordination Team to establish the development agency. The partners are currently working closely with the project to draft a paper that will serve the government as the basis for decisions on which further, important steps to take in structuring the agency. Since March 2016, 15 workshops and conferences have been held in Indonesia, with participants from over 40 public sector institutions, ten civil society organisations, 15 research organisations, 30 representatives from the private sector and nine international organisations. All key stakeholders – a total of approximately 600 participants – took part in an intense discussion of the draft.
At the same time as establishing the development agency, the Indonesian Government is planning to establish and implement specific South-South and triangular cooperation arrangements in coordination with the project. The relevant ministries are to receive advice on planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating this project. One example of this is the support provided by Germany and Indonesia to Myanmar in fiscal decentralisation. Further plans involve providing advisory services to Myanmar on setting up a vocational education and training system.

In the field of Strengthening Networks for Global Governance, the project serves as a platform for utilising and further developing the lessons learned in global partnerships and projects. This is relevant for cooperation within G20 and the ASEAN community, as well as regarding the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, the project supports existing networks with topics of international cooperation. It advises the Indonesian partners, commissions studies, provides platforms for dialogue, and supports the design of workshops and conferences. It can thus encourage a lively dialogue process between institutions from the public sector, research and civil society on Indonesia’s and Germany’s thematic priorities for international cooperation.