Strengthening regions and municipalities in Mali
Project description
Title: Supporting decentralisation and good governance
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Mali
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation
Overall term: 2022 to 2024

For more than two decades, regions, districts and municipalities in Mali have been administering themselves. This has given them greater social acceptance as service providers, business locations and places for democracy. However, efficient good governance in the regions, districts and municipalities is hampered by institutional and professional deficits among the stakeholders involved.
The role of Malian local authorities (municipalities and regions) in socio-economic development has improved.

The project advises the Malian Ministry of Decentralisation as well as the regions, districts and municipalities, and involves the business community and civil society in its activities. It also supports municipalities in developing competencies and skills so that in future they can be centres of economic and social development in Mali.
Measures are focused on five areas:
- Transparent and rule-compliant budget management: The project is providing municipalities with technical and organisational advice on new instruments and procedures for public accounting, accountability and budget spending.
- Improving the dialogue on socio-economic resilience: The project is supporting an inclusive post-COVID-19 pandemic recovery phase. This involves developing the skills of members in women’s and young peoples’ organisations and making the dialogue between local people and community representatives conflict-sensitive.
- Supporting the economy and employment: Improved dialogue between administrative areas, the private sector and private-public partnerships (PPPs) strengthens private investment and employment.
- Networked learning: The project promotes the sharing of experiences at national and regional level in order to generate expertise on implementing the Malian decentralisation policy.
- Hosting internally displaced people: Advisory services strengthen local authorities in their efforts to implement relevant services aimed at economic and social integration, for example in schools and health centres.

Last update: July 2023