Expanding the use of renewable energy
Project description
Title: Renewable Energies Programme (PEERR II)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Bolivia
Lead executing agency: Ministerio de Energías; Viceministerio de Electricidad y Energías Alternativas (VMEEA)
Overall term: 2019 to 2024

Bolivia produces nearly 70 per cent of its energy through the burning of fossil fuels, and with it, the accompanying negative impacts on the climate. Despite the enormous available potential of solar, wind, biomass and geothermal energy, the country only makes use of these alternate sources of power in a few cases. The Andean highlands are among the world’s best locations for harnessing solar energy. The Government of Bolivia intends to utilise this potential and thereby diversify its energy production, a goal that it has documented in the Alternative Energy Development Plan 2025.
The use of renewable energies, which guarantee both security of supply and environmental sustainability, is a major challenge for Bolivia. Staff in the responsible institutions lack the expertise needed to create the legal framework and to plan and implement concrete projects. Energy generated from fossil fuels continues to be heavily subsidised by the state, impeding the operation of power stations that use renewable sources on a cost-effective basis.
Conditions for expanding grid-connected renewable energy and increasing energy efficiency are improved.

PEERR II provides advisory support to the Ministry for Energy on how to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency, and how to go about establishing the necessary legal framework. It supports power companies with regard to the planning, construction and operation of wind and solar parks, which are to be connected to the public power grid.
The new renewable energy systems need to be installed, operated and maintained. In cooperation with training institutions, the project team assesses the training needs for technicians and skilled personnel, develops curricula, and advises the institutions on introducing practical training programmes.
Germany has a wealth of experience, technological expertise and innovative application concepts in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency. Bolivia is to benefit from this know-how through potential cooperation arrangements with private companies and research institutes.