Improving water security for displaced people in Jordan
Project description
Title: Supporting Participatory Resource Management to Stabilise the Situation in Host Communities
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Special Initiative "Tackling the root causes of displacement – reintegrating refugees"
Country: Jordan
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI)
Overall term: 2015 to 2025

Jordan is one of the most arid countries in the world. In some locations, up to 70 per cent of water is being lost as a result. The ensuing shortages were already a challenge for municipalities when the system only had to supply Jordanian households. As of July 2022 Jordan, Syria’s southern neighbour, had officially registered more than 677,000 displaced people from Syria. More than 80 per cent of them are living outside of official refugee camps. Host communities have to provide the necessary infrastructure for refugees, which pushes many communities to their limits.
The availability of clean water in 14 of the host communities and in Jerash Camp has improved.
The project is being implemented in 14 host communities to ensure that around 78,000 residents – among them more than 12,700 refugees – have adequate access to water. Interventions include repairing dilapidated water networks, as well as improving water use efficiency and water storage capacities. Moreover, barrier-free entrances to water facilities are installed in private households and public institutions.
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) contributed to the project implementation in Bait Ras and Jerash Camp, improving water management at the household level for more than 15,000 residents.
Residents of the 14 host communities can voice their concerns at regular dialogue meetings where local community members and Syrian refugees speak to the responsible water providers to discuss water-related issues and the future construction measures needed. Thus, representatives of all societal groups play a pivotal role in ensuring that water is distributed equitably across communities and in alleviating conflicts. Women participation is increased through establishing Water Wise Women (WWW) groups. Based on the success of the participatory approach, the plan is to anchor a participatory resource management concept at the responsible water provider.
Last update: October 2022