Sino-German cooperation on low-carbon transport
Project description
Title: Sino-German Cooperation on Low Carbon Transport
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
Country: People’s Republic of China
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Transport (MoT)
Overall term: 2015 to 2022

China is the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases. There is a need to step up ambition, above all in the transport sector, to make an effective contribution to mitigating global climate change. Around ten per cent of all energy-related CO2 emissions in the country are attributable to this sector. More and more Chinese people own a car and the volume of passenger and freight transport is growing rapidly. Quality of life in general is deteriorating due to air and noise pollution and traffic congestion, particularly in towns and cities.
In order to implement the Paris Agreement, the country has committed to drastically reduce its carbon dioxide emissions. By 2030, it wants to lower CO2 emissions per unit of GDP by 60 to 65 per cent compared with 2005 levels. The share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption is to increase to about 20 per cent. China’s 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) describes the core fields for creating a sustainable, low-carbon transport sector. These include promoting electro-mobility, developing smart transportation systems, expanding public transport and intermodal freight transport as well as promoting shared mobility (e.g. car sharing or car-pooling) and non-motorised transportation.
The project is supporting Chinese decision-makers and relevant stakeholders in elaborating effective and efficient implementation strategies and policies to further develop a climate-friendly transport sector in China.
The project supports the Sino-German policy dialogue on long-term climate change mitigation strategies in the transport sector. It facilitates an exchange on the potential of digitalisation, innovative technologies and integrated mobility concepts for developing sustainable, low-carbon future mobility.
To achieve this objective, the project focuses on policy dialogue and advice, sector-specific knowledge sharing and research, implementing pilot projects at city level and expanding specialist expertise. To this end, Chinese partners are supported, particularly in the priority areas of urban and freight transport.
The project is implemented pursuant to an integrated and holistic results logic and is aimed at long-term strategies to reduce carbon emissions in China.