International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV
Project description
Supporting international mitigation and MRV activitiesCommissioned by:
German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB)Country:
GlobalOverall term:
2012 to 2016Context
As part of the United Nations climate negotiations, the international community has set itself the goal of limiting global warming to less than two degrees Celsius. All countries are to contribute to this target by developing and implementing greenhouse gas mitigation strategies and activities. In order to assess what has already been achieved and which additional measures are needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, strong emphasis is being placed on measuring, reporting and verification (MRV). All countries should measure their emissions, report on the current status and the success of their mitigation efforts, and allow this information to be verified independently. This constitutes a major challenge for many developing countries, since they generally lack the necessary human, financial and institutional resources as well as technical requirements.
The quality of greenhouse gas mitigation strategies and activities as well as reports on implemented activities and their outcomes is improved in the supported countries. Available information is more transparent and this builds up trust between the countries.
The project supports the International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV, which Germany, South Africa and South Korea have been developing since 2010 and is now used by over 70 developing, emerging and industrialised nations to exchange information and experience on climate change mitigation. The project conducts regional training activities, establishes platforms for dialogue among the countries, produces guidelines, discussion papers and reports, and manages the Partnership’s website, which functions as a knowledge portal.
Since the project started in January 2012, the number of participating countries has increased from 40 to over 70. The number of monthly visitors to the website has also risen, from zero to over 6,000. On the website they can find the latest updates on climate policy and the Partnership, a growing number of background documents, and studies on practical approaches to greenhouse gas reduction and MRV.
One example is the Global Good Practice Analysis, which provides case studies on the development and implementation of mitigation strategies from different countries. Over 70 partner countries have participated in one or more training activities or workshops organised by the project. Many members value the Partnership as a space in which they can discuss sensitive issues more openly. This has had a noticeable effect on the climate negotiations and led to more constructive discussions, for instance on MRV.
Pioneers within the Asian, Latin America/Caribbean and African regional groups are inspiring other countries to undertake ambitious activities and enabling these countries to benefit from their experience. In December 2014, Namibia became the first developing country to submit a Biennial Update Report to the UNFCCC Secretariat. In this document, the Government of Namibia specifically refers to the support provided by the Partnership.