Improved living conditions boost resilience in Chad
Project description
Title: Food security, peacebuilding and disaster risk reduction for improved resilience in Chad
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Co-financed by: European Union (EU)
Country: Chad
Lead executing agency: Ministère de l’Economie, de la Planification du Développement et de la Coopération internationale
Overall term: 2016 to 2022
![Chad. Members of the public involved in construction work. © GIZ](/static/en/images/contentimages_320x305px/IMG_1372_rdax_350x262s.jpg)
Chad is a landlocked country in the Sahel and is affected by security risks and the effects of climate change. Droughts, floods and erosion caused by heavy rainfall are reducing the surface area of arable land and yields. This is having a catastrophic impact on the country, where 80 per cent of the population depend on agriculture for their livelihood.
The population and the responsible local state administrative structures and traditional authorities lack the competencies to cope adequately with the increased risks of conflict, climate-related extreme weather events and other disasters. There is no long-term guarantee of sufficient food and the primary needs of drinking water and access to basic services, such as basic education and health care.
Conflicts in the neighbouring states of Sudan, the Central African Republic, North Cameroon and Nigeria and internal conflicts have led to movements of displaced persons and migrants that are continuing to shape the region.
The local population, displaced persons and refugees, and returnees are more resilient to food insecurity and disasters.
![Lokalpolitikerinnen und -politiker bei einer Schulung zu Bürgerbeteiligung. Foto: GIZ/PRCPT](/static/en/images/contentimages_320x305px/Schulung_B%c3%bcrgerbeteiligung_rdax_350x262s.jpg)
The project works in five areas to improve the general living conditions of the rural population in Chad.
First, regional administrative structures, in particular, are becoming more efficient, which promotes good governance. To this end, the project is helping more than 75 local administrative structures draw up and update local and municipal development plans.
Second, another objective is to raise the income of the rural population from livestock breeding and agricultural production. This will improve food security and the socio-economic situation of vulnerable households.
Third, the construction and rehabilitation of schools, health centres, drinking water wells and other constructions provides the necessary infrastructure basis for improved basic services. At the same time, income-generating measures are improving the population’s living conditions.
Fourth, local conflict management structures are being strengthened thanks to the training of mediation committees, awareness-raising campaigns and the promotion of dialogue initiatives. To this end, the project works primarily with local initiatives and organisations.
Finally, the project is seeking to secure natural and productive resources in the Sila region in the long term by improving disaster risk management (DRM).
The project was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and receives additional funding from the European Union.
- More than 75 local administrative structures have received materials and training on project and development planning. 44 municipal development plans have been drawn up, 43 of which have already come into force.
- As part of three cross-border exchange forums, communities from Mayo Kebbi Est and Ouest in Chad have exchanged experiences with communities from Yagoua in Cameroon.
- 18,027 smallholders have received climate-adapted variety seeds, simple farming tools and training on adapted farming methods and food processing. 12,258 households, 39 percent of them headed by women, have increased their income by at least 20 percent thanks to these measures.
- The project has so far carried out 200 construction and rehabilitation measures to improve the basic social infrastructure. These include school buildings, health centres, irrigation wells, weirs, shops and farm tracks. Under the cash-for-work system, 6,994 households were employed for this purpose, generating additional income of about EUR 50 per household.
- 1,429 state and civil society actors, 22 percent of them women, have been trained and sensitised to the need to ensure that infrastructure is maintained.
- Across all project regions, the project has carried out a total of 110 environmental protection activities in the areas of waste disposal and cleanliness, planting, and the improvement of kitchen hearths and other fireplaces.
- 288,545 individuals, about 30 percent of them women, have been made aware of the need to work for peace and mutual respect through cultural activities such as sport, drama and music.
- A training course for mediators and mediation committees lead to the documentation of219 conflicts, 214 of which were resolved peacefully with the support of the trained individuals.
- In the Sila region in the east of the country, 60 village disaster risk management committees have been established and equipped with risk maps, emergency plans and communications equipment. All 413 members of these committees were trained in disaster risk prevention and reduction and regularly organise awareness campaigns.
Last update: February 2021
![Landwirtinnen auf einem Sesamfeld. Foto: GIZ/PRCPT](/static/en/images/images_content_460x160/Productrices%20s%c3%a9same%20dans%20le%20Canton%20Salamata%20(002)_rdax_782x375s.jpg)