Promoting decentralisation and good governance in Niger
Project description
Title: Promotion of decentralisation and good governance in Niger
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Niger
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Planning (Ministère du Plan)
Overall term: 2021 to 2024

In order to support the provision of quality basic services, foster social cohesion and promote socio-economic development, the government of Niger is prioritising local self-governance. In 2010, it therefore enshrined decentralisation as an organisational principle in its constitution.
Many local authorities have neither the financial resources nor the HR and professional skills they need to properly perform their roles and tasks in the municipal development. Consequently, municipalities and regions are often not able to assure the provision of efficient public services and a citizen-centred administration. In addition, citizens often have little trust in the local elected representatives due to a lack of transparency and communication.
The Nigerien local authorities are more competent in fulfilling their roles and tasks in municipal development.

The programme works with the Directorate-General for Decentralisation on the development of countrywide strategies and the legal basis for the decentralisation process. In addition, it advises public institutions, as well as local finance and tax authorities, on how to improve the financial relations between the state and the municipalities.
The programme also supports the implementation of reforms in local public services. It operates in 25 local authorities in three regions – Agadez, Tahoua and Tillabéri – and trains local elected representatives through coaching and interactive workshops. Mayors, employees of the local administrations, regional councillors and civil society representatives, including in particular women and young people, are advised and trained in municipal administration, local finance and participatory development planning. Consequently, they can more competently fulfil their roles and responsibilities in local development. The programme further aims to increase trust in the local administration and thereby to strengthen social cohesion through citizen dialogues, transparent decision-making and improved public services.
Last update: May 2023