Energy-efficient pilot project
Project description
Title: Energy-efficient pilot project
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) as part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI)
Country: Ukraine
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Regional Development, Building and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine
Overall term: 2009 to 2019

Ukraine has one of the lowest energy efficiency rates in the world. The basis for this assertion is the ratio of primary energy consumed to gross domestic product. Approximately 40 per cent of the country’s energy is used in its buildings. These are generally in a very poor state of structural repair and do not afford good living conditions. The supply systems for heating, hot water and electricity are also technologically outdated. Although the standards for energy efficiency in new buildings have been tightened over the last few years, in practice there is insufficient knowledge about energy-efficient construction methods, and the execution of the building work is often substandard. As a result, even new buildings fall far below the European standards for energy efficiency.
A new building complex demonstrating an energy-efficient, resource-saving building concept using modern, environmentally friendly technologies has been planned, executed and put into operation. This concept is being rolled out on a broad basis throughout Ukraine’s construction sector.
In cooperation with the project, policy-makers, associations, planners and private sector representatives sought a suitable pilot project to showcase energy-efficient construction. The construction site that has been selected for the new 51,000 square metre residential and office complex is in the capital city of Kyiv.
German consulting and engineering firms are advising the investors, planners and construction companies on the design of an energy concept. The Ukrainian partners are also receiving support during construction and in facility management to ensure quality. Both facility staff and the building’s users are to be instructed in how to use the new technology. When finished, the building is to use 30 to 50 per cent less energy than typical new builds in Ukraine. The development of innovative energy concepts and the use of modern, environmentally sound technologies (solar thermal and heat recovery technologies) will initially cause higher investments. However, this will be compensated over the full life of the building by lower energy and running costs, which is a major consideration.
Information about the pilot project and energy-efficient construction is being communicated to industry professionals through events, a country-wide roadshow and technical workshops, in cooperation with associations and training institutes. GIZ is also advising universities and engineering colleges on how to integrate energy-efficient planning and construction to a greater extent into their architecture and engineering courses.
A large number of Ukrainian construction experts and decision-makers are taking part in regular guided tours around the pilot project. The site is thus serving a training purpose throughout the entire construction phase. Many international organisations are using the complex as a showcase project to demonstrate the use of European standards in energy-efficient construction.
Several training institutes have modified their curricula in the field of energy-efficient construction with advice from GIZ:
- The National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” revised its curriculum in late 2012 and introduced courses on energy-efficient construction
- The Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture is currently working towards introducing a master’s degree in energy-efficient construction.
Furthermore, the general conditions for energy-efficient construction have been improved, also with advisory support from GIZ:
- The Green Building Council Ukraine was established in 2011. It actively promotes sustainable construction among investors and building developers and has introduced building certificates to the market.
- Secondary standards to prepare for the introduction of the EU buildings directive were modified and approved in 2014.