Modernisation of local public services
Project description
Title: Modernisation of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Cooperation Economic and Development (BMZ)
Co-funded by: European Union, Governments of Sweden, Switzerland and Romania
Country: Republic of Moldova
Lead executing agency: Ministerul Infrastructurii și Dezvoltării Regionale / Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development (MIRD)
Overall term: 2016 to 2022

A large development gap persists between urban and rural areas in Moldova. Most of the population lives in rural areas, where the poverty rate is three times higher than in urban areas. Less than half of the population has adequate access to basic services such as water supply and wastewater disposal, waste management or energy efficient public buildings.

Local authorities have only limited financial means and human resources for proper maintenance of the infrastructure. Consequently, it is falling into disrepair. The low standard of local basic services has an adverse effect on health, education and employment opportunities for the local population and undermines trust in public institutions.
The Republic of Moldova has improved conditions for regional development. The provision of local public services is more oriented towards the citizens’ needs.
The project supports Moldovan partners in their efforts to improve local public services in three priority areas: water supply and wastewater disposal, energy efficiency and waste management.
The project has five objectives:
- The Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development puts in place a coherent framework for the effective implementation of national regional development policy in the priority areas;
- The regional development councils and local administrations have improved planning, coordination and implementation skills.
- The regional development agencies can conduct projects for local public services developed within the framework of the regional programmes.
- Representatives of local authorities, administrative districts and local service providers benefit from needs-based training courses for the modernisation of local public services.
- Civil society is involved in public projects.
Last update: March 2022