Efficiently steering public policy in Senegal
Project description
Title: Support for results-based development and budget planning
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Senegal
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Finance and Budget
Overall term: 2019 to 2023
Meaningful and efficient policy requires effective public administration. In Senegal, though, the ministries for finance, economy, industry, labour, vocational education and training, public service, energy and higher education do not have sufficient steering capacity to achieve their policy goals with the available resources. The insufficient steering capacity can be traced to the fact that the overarching development policy objectives (PSE), industry-specific objectives, the available budget funds and the administration’s resource control are not sufficiently linked. Senegal’s most important development objective is to become an emerging economy by the year 2035.
The ministries for finance, economy, industry, labour, vocational education and training, public service, energy and higher education steer public policy in a more efficient, coordinated and results-oriented manner.
The project supports the Senegalese Government with technical, process-related and organisational advice. It promotes the skills of individuals, organisations and society throughout the political cycle, during which the government first sets policy goals, develops a corresponding programme and allocates the budget before finally implementing the plans. The project concentrates on processes and instruments for administrative steering, particularly for monitoring and management.
In doing so, the project is creating the necessary conditions for controlling and reporting on the implementation of political programmes. The partner ministries are laying the foundations to better coordinate planning, programming, budgeting and monitoring processes (PPBS). They are also promoting management skills within the planning units.
Last updated: June 2022