First In-Person Annual Planning with All Staff: GIZ Cameroon Prepares for the Future.

Yaoundé, Cameroon – During two intense days in February, GIZ Cameroon held its annual planning, bringing together, for the first, nearly 500 staff members in person. The goal was not only to work together on the formulation of annual objectives but to provide staff members the opportunity to exchange, particularly in the context of the upcoming changes with S4GIZ. 

The participants contributed actively to the formulation of the 2025 annual objectives through group work and plenary discussions.  

A highlight of the annual planning was the panel discussions with the Minister of Economy, Planning and Regional Development, the Ambassador of the European Union, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Cameroon and the Resident Director of the GIZ Yaoundé Regional Office. The discussion focused on the evaluation of international cooperation in a constantly changing world and its importance for Cameroon.  

A significant change at GIZ level is the introduction of S4GIZ. This is why this topic was an important part of the planning. Also, the day after the planning a marketplace was organized during which the admin and finance staff could learn about S4GIZ and what it means for GIZ Cameroon.  

The annual planning concluded with a medal award ceremony for long-time employees by the Cameroonian Minister of Labour. The radiant smiles of the recipients testified to the continued commitment of GIZ and its collaborators to work together for the development of Cameroon. 

This event not only strengthened internal cohesion but also helped to define a clear vision for the future of GIZ in Cameroon.

At the end of this article, you'll find videos of the annual planning meeting, as well as pictures of the Annual General Meeting and the staff party.