Environmental Programme Morocco (PGPE)
Project description
Title: Environmental Programme Morocco
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Morocco
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment
Overall term: 2014 to 2015

Morocco is facing the challenge of implementing its National Charter for Environment and Sustainable Development. To do this, environmental policy-makers in Morocco will not only need to solve the classic environmental problems, but must also establish a natural foundation on which the country can develop sustainably over the long term. Given the high levels of unemployment among young professionals, the creation of green jobs also has an increasingly important role to play in environmental and climate policy. Overall, Morocco is struggling to keep its development in line with the principles of sustainability, and to formulate and implement a modern, effective environmental policy that will help turn its economy into a green economy. Green economy tools are not yet being used systematically as a means of achieving the objectives and principles of the National Charter for Environment and Sustainable Development and the national strategy for providing training in green jobs.
Selected green economy tools and approaches are being used in Morocco to achieve objectives and principles of the National Charter for Environment and Sustainable Development and the national strategy for providing training in green jobs.

To attain this objective, the project supports its Moroccan partners in four complementary fields of action. It advises the Environment Ministry on designing innovative tools in the areas of environmental and climate policy. It also cooperates with state and private actors involved in training (at all levels) for green jobs, and environmental training. Thirdly, it provides advice on setting up an environmental monitoring system that will also be useful in establishing a national hazardous waste treatment centre. And finally, it uses lessons learned in Germany and the EU to support private companies, associations and public actors, including several ministries, in developing flagship projects that promote resource efficiency.
The project’s activities centre on the region comprising Casablanca, Berrechid and Mohammedia, and its approach focuses on providing technical advice and training. It also helps with environmental training and procuring materials for environmental management. The project provides assistance through short and long-term assignments, by holding workshops and seminars with the relevant partners to support the required processes, and through promoting dialogue on the topic with neighbouring countries.

The project’s long-term objectives are to improve future prospects for the younger generation through green jobs, to make economic production more resource efficient, and to resolve the nationwide problem of how to manage hazardous waste in an environmentally friendly manner.
With project support, the following results have been achieved:
- The framework law for the National Charter for Environment and Sustainable Development has been adopted.
- The Environmental Evaluation System (EES) tool has been introduced.
- An ecotax on plastic products has been introduced.
- An environmental police force has been established and a decree setting out its status and tasks has been issued.
- A new master’s degree in Engineering and Industrial Waste Management (IGEL) has led to the creation of 62 jobs.
- 180 people have received environmental training, primarily in household and hazardous waste recovery.