Supporting job-oriented training at TVET institutions and universities of applied sciences in Ethiopia
Project description
Title: Sustainable Training and Education Programme (STEP)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Co-funded by: European Union (EU)
Country: Ethiopia
Lead executing agency: Ethiopian Ministry of Labor and Skills (MoLS)
Overall term: 2014 to 2024

Ethiopia is the second most populous country in Africa and the fastest-growing economy in the region. The country is undergoing a dynamic transformation, which involves far-reaching political and economic reforms – including in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and universities of applied sciences.
Despite these developments, many young Ethiopians, even well-educated ones, are unemployed. One of the reasons for this is that the private sector has so far barely been involved in education and training offers. As a result, young graduates, job seekers and the self-employed lack important skills that are highly needed on the labour market.
Graduates of TVET institutions and universities of applied sciences, job-seekers and the self-employed increasingly find employment.

The programme expands the availability of employment-oriented educational opportunities. Closer cooperation between the education, private and health sectors enables TVET institutions and universities of applied sciences to align their systems with the needs of the private sector to a greater extent.
The programme focuses on five areas while also working overarchingly to promote career prospects for women:
Steering mechanisms in the TVET system and universities of applied sciences: It facilitates coordination and cooperation between the government, the education sector, the private sector and health care facilities.
Qualification of personnel in TVET institutions and universities of applied sciences: The programme improves the competencies of TVET instructors, in-company trainers, teaching staff in hospitals and lecturers in universities of applied sciences.
Labour market-oriented qualification measures: Measures are being implemented in six economic sectors (automotive, construction, electrotechnology, hotel and tourism, health care and agro-processing).
Involvement of the private sector in TVET and universities of applied sciences: The programme promotes cooperative training and supports training programmes in companies, industrial parks and teaching hospitals.
Digital transformation in TVET: New technologies and the digitalisation of core processes are enhancing the performance of Ethiopia's vocational training system.
Last update: January 2023