Adaptation to climate change and conservation of biodiversity

Project description

Title: Adaptation to climate change and conservation of biodiversity
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
Country: Philippines
Lead executing agency: Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
Overall term: 2008 to 2011

Philippines. A young boy holds out tahong for sale, beholding himself to water and to people. © GIZ


With over 7,000 islands and 36,000 km of coastline, the Philippines is highly vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change. Climate data for the past 50 years show differing trends, with changing rainfall patterns, rising temperatures and increased frequency of typhoons, flooding and drought. Urban dwellers, farmers and fishers are feeling the effects of climate change equally. Everywhere, the poor are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Climate change is raising the likelihood of natural disasters and lessening the capacity of people and the natural environment to recover from such events. Without adequate capacities to adapt and adaptive measures, people and the natural environment are even less able to cope with the impacts of climate change.

Good governance, the protection of ecosystems and greater knowledge of adaptation technologies help to enhance resilience to disasters and the impacts of climate change.


Government agencies, local authorities and communities pursue strategies for adapting to the impacts of climate change and for conservation of biodiversity. The Philippines is on a national mission to develop adequate resilience to the impacts of climate change.


The project supported the Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and other government agencies, local authorities and non-governmental organisations in developing and implementing strategies to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change and the loss of biodiversity. These measures included advisory services and training sessions to help partner institutions in their efforts to adapt to climate change. In addition, measures were carried out to assist the project partners in conserving biodiversity, such as improving monitoring of protected areas and supporting mangrove rehabilitation initiatives. The project also helped the DENR and other partners to share knowledge and raise public awareness of climate change and other environmental issues.

Results achieved so far

The Philippines adopted the National Strategy on Climate Change Adaptation in 2010 with significant assistance from the project. The strategy now serves as a guide for the country's adaptation measures and is a key component of the National Framework Strategy on Climate Change and the 2011–2028 National Climate Change Action Plan. Various sectors have incorporated adaptation strategies into their plans. The project thus helped to shape local development plans and programmes and benefits people dependent on natural resources.

Philippines. Coastal Law Enforcement teams are more capable of championing the conservation of their seas. © GIZ

The project has provided climate-proofing training for many local experts and officials working for Philippine authorities, helping them to make development plans and programmes and local investments less vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Through targeted small-scale local initiatives the project has also strengthened the population's capacity to adapt to climate change and better conserve biodiversity on land and at sea.

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