Improving access to modern energy services in Nepal

Project description

Title: Energising Development (EnDev)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) within the scope of the EnDev energy partnership, financed by the Netherlands, Germany, Norway and Switzerland
Country: Nepal
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Energy Water and Irrigation
Overall term: 2009 to 2025


Ninety per cent of the total population of Nepal has had access to electricity as of 2020. However, despite these improvements in recent years, the majority of the rural population still lives without reliable electricity supply and for some access is still hard to come by. The electricity use per person in the rural context is low, with electricity being used mainly for lighting. This presents a challenge for rural micro utilities to run sustainably and provide electricity services. Nepal also lags significantly in the use of electricity for cooking. Traditional/biomass cooking is widely prevalent in rural areas, with the associated health risks from indoor air pollution and in-grained traditional gender roles. This presents a challenge for the creation of sustainable markets for clean cooking technologies for all members of the rural communities. These shortfalls in access to modern energy services also curtail opportunities for education, impact the quality of health care, and limit access to information and potential opportunities to generate income through productive use of energy.


EnDev Nepal is providing reliable, affordable, socially acceptable, and environmentally friendly modern energy services to the rural population without leaving anyone behind.


EnDev Nepal supports access to modern energy services through the following interventions, which are aligned with the Nepalese Government’s target to provide access to energy for all by 2030 and the country’s National Determined Contribution 2020:

  • Grid-based electrification
  • Off-grid electrification
  • Creating markets for clean cooking technologies

The project also cooperates closely with the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre, the National Electricity Authority, Practical Action, SNV and the National Association of Community Electricity Users Nepal in programme implementation and to achieve the designated targets.

Last update: Mai 2022

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