Establishing vocational training centres in Gujarat
Project description
Title: Establishing vocational training centres in Gujarat
Commissioned by: Government of Gujarat
Financier: Government of Gujarat
Country: India
Lead executing agency: Government of Gujarat
Overall term: 2010 to 2013

The Chief Minister of Gujarat has developed a ten-point programme to introduce high quality social and civic infrastructure and to ensure sustainable employment among the Scheduled Tribes in Gujarat. Among its objectives, the programme aims to double the incomes of every tribal family in the next five years. The Tribal Development Department of the Government of Gujarat has been mandated to assist the implementation of this programme. The tribal areas of Gujarat are experiencing unprecedented levels of outward migration, due to both seasonal forces and other push factors. In several areas the numbers leaving have risen by 30%. Low literacy rates and skill levels, severe poverty, lack of employment opportunities for young people, and a lack of physical infrastructure are seen as the main reasons for this migration.
Five market-oriented and financially self-sustaining skills development centres have been established in partnership with the private sector. A detailed Institutional Development Plan has been developed for each of these centres. The centres offer long and short vocational training courses to tribal youths, helping them to find employment in the organised sector.
To address the challenges that face the tribal areas of Gujarat, GIZ International Services (GIZ IS) has been contracted by the Tribal Development Department to provide technical assistance and support services in the field of skills development for the tribal youth of Gujarat. The project will establish vocational training centres through which to increase their long term employability, in a major contribution to the Chief Minister’s ten-point programme. As centres of excellence for skills development, these new institutions will be the drivers of future growth. GIZ IS will assist these centres for a minimum period of three years starting from 2010.

To gain an understanding of the kind of support needed, GIZ IS began by organising two workshops involving the Tribal Development Department, the Development Support Agency of Gujarat and other stakeholders. Based on the outcomes of these workshops, the project is now delivering the following services.
Technical support
- Capacity building for labour market analysis and assessing the demand for skills
- Conceptual framework design
- Curriculum development
- Development of teaching materials in both English and Gujarati
- Capacity building and training of trainers
- Networking with expert organisations
- Assessment and evaluation
- Follow-up and impact analysis
System level support
- Organisational and management development plans, including the institutional development plans
- Establishment of effective and efficient governance structures
- Sustainability orientation and roadmap
- Support for the adoption of regional best practices
- Skills assessment and certification system
- Careers counselling and guidance methodology
To help meet the needs of a growing economy, the project also provides courses on aspects of financing, low-end IT applications, retail management and improved agricultural techniques.
Results achieved so far
One vocational training centre is now fully established and operational, offering 15 skills training courses. Courses have also been developed for the other four centres. A conceptual framework and curriculum has been designed, while instructional and learning materials have been developed in English and in Gujarati. Furthermore, training of trainers programmes have been conducted and the following activities have taken place.
- Networking with expert organisations
- Facilitating partnerships with companies for job placements
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Introduction of skills assessment and certification system
- Establishment of placement assistance systems
- Networking with national and international training institutes