Managing for development results
Programme description
Title: Capacity building on results-based monitoring and evaluation for the Indian Department of Economic Affairs (DEA)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: India
Lead executing agency: Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance
Overall term: 2011 to 2013

Germany has been a major bilateral development cooperation partner of India for several decades. The Indian Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) at the Ministry of Finance coordinates all the Indo-German development cooperation programmes, which makes it the direct negotiating partner of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Now, at the request of the DEA, in order to improve the capacities of those whose job it is to coordinate the bilateral cooperation, GIZ has developed a training and exposure programme to promote monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in the field of development cooperation.
Employees of the DEA and other ministries involved in bilateral project management and coordination at both federal and state levels are equipped with upgraded skills, which meet recognised standards of international cooperation and results-based monitoring and evaluation.
A joint understanding of the common principles of international cooperation exists which improves the effectiveness of international partnerships. The efficiency of development cooperation has improved due to the use of results-orientated approaches and stronger relationships between cooperation partners.
The training and exposure programmes consist of the following components.
- Introductory workshop on internationally recognised monitoring and evaluation concepts
- Two site visits to witness ongoing Indo-German bilateral cooperation projects
- A study tour to Germany, during which the delegation visits the M&E divisions of BMZ, KfW Entwicklungsbank, GIZ and other relevant institutions in the field of development cooperation
- Coaching in the preparation and submission of project reports and action plans: this is supported through a virtual work space on Global Campus 21
- A closing workshop for reflection, review and evaluation
- Networking and peer learning; refresher training and alumni workshops
When they have completed their training, the participants are expected to know how to integrate and apply M&E in the planning, design and management of their programmes. They will understand the benefits and the difficulties involved in applying results-oriented M&E in bilateral development cooperation practice.
More specific trends and topics are discussed as they arise, such as issues related to the Millennium Development Goals, the Paris Declaration and the Accra Agenda for Action and Capacity Development. Ultimately the participants should develop their own position regarding their roles within these processes and developments.
Results achieved so far
The first participants in the training programme have been introduced to, and have reflected on the international debate regarding results orientation and monitoring and evaluation frameworks (OECD-DAC), as well as the methods of German development cooperation institutions. They have already begun to incorporate their conclusions and lessons-learnt in their daily work.

They have already begun to incorporate their conclusions and lessons-learnt in their daily work. By the end of 2012, approximately 50 participants will have completed the training and exposure programme.