CAADP: Supporting agricultural technical vocational education and training (ATVET) (completed)
Project description
Title: Supporting agricultural technical vocational education and training in Africa through NEPAD/CAADP
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Co-funded by: Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Country: Member states of the African Union (based in South Africa)
Lead executing agency: African Union Commission (AUC)
Overall term: 2017 to 2019

Almost two thirds of all gainfully employed Africans work in the continent’s agricultural sector. The majority of the workforce are smallholder farmers without any formal or informal training. Agriculture is the only source of income for many families in rural areas. Moreover, the agricultural sector accounts for an above-average share of Africa's gross domestic product (GDP).
The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) has been the framework for action for agricultural transformation on the continent since 2003. The programme is an initiative by the African Union (AU) and supports the member states in increasing investment and productivity in the agricultural sector. It aims to achieve agricultural growth rates of more than 6 per cent in order to promote food security and economic development in Africa.
In many African countries, however, the agricultural sector has not been sufficiently modernised to help reduce poverty and boost economic growth. Farmers lack the necessary skills, qualifications and access to training to professionalise and expand agricultural production, processing and marketing.
Sustainable agricultural training and vocational education are firmly established in the structures and processes of the CAADP in selected countries.

The technical body of the African Union Commission (AUC), the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA), coordinates the implementation of CAADP in AU member countries. On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), GIZ supports AUC and NPCA in fulfilling their mandate.
The project has four modules:
- Policy Advice
- Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture
- Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ATVET)
- Women in ATVET
The ATVET module focuses on strengthening ATVET in Africa and hence contributing to a professionalised, productive agricultural sector. ATVET offers a solution to Africa's lack of trained and qualified smallholder farmers. Income-boosting value chains were initially identified in six partner countries. This has enabled the development of teaching and study materials relevant to the labour market in collaboration with selected ATVET institutions. The ensuing training and continuing education opportunities are geared primarily towards smallholder farmers and young people in rural areas. ATVET is thus creating prospects for Africa's young and growing population.
In 2017, following successful implementation of ATVET in Kenya, Malawi, Ghana, Benin, Burkina Faso and Togo, the number of partner countries was increased from six to 12 through the addition of Tunisia, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Uganda, Namibia and South Africa.
In six partner countries, more than 6,200 trainees received ATVET during the previous phase of the programme (2012–2016). In view of the diversity of the African agricultural sector, the ATVET programme has developed teaching and study materials geared towards the national skills requirements. Curricula have been developed for the following value chains:
- Kenya: dairy, horticulture and aquaculture
- Malawi: mango, pineapple and aquaculture
- Ghana: pineapple and citrus fruits
- Benin: rice and meat
- Burkina Faso: rice, sesame and cashew nuts
- Togo: rice and aquaculture
A total of 250 training modules have been developed for ten agricultural value chains. These training modules not only cover various skills (e.g. rice processing), but are also geared towards particular occupations (e.g. farm manager or producer).
The number of people who have completed training (including teachers, tutors, farmers and young students) is expected to double over the next three years.