Indo-German Energy Programme (IGEN)
Project description
Title: Indo-German Energy Programme (IGEN)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: India
Lead executing agency: Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Central Electricity Authority (CEA), Ministry of Power, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), the Indian Government
Overall term: 2015 to 2020

India now consumes more than 6,600 TWh of energy per year, but its per capita electricity consumption of around 1,000 kWh, is less than one seventh of that of industrialised countries. This creates considerable challenges in all areas of society and in rural and urban regions. Restricted access to energy, be it for private households, industrial enterprises or service providers, limits opportunities for economic development and poverty reduction.
The quality of the energy supply is also an important factor for India’s economic development. In an energy market characterised by scarce supply and rapidly increasing demand, two strategies are seen as vital for future development: 1) save energy along the entire supply chain and in applications and production, thereby optimising resource use and reducing costs, and 2) introducing renewables on a large scale and integrating these into the power grids so as to diversify the energy mix.
In 2015 India set itself the ambitious goal of generating 175 gigawatts of renewable energy by 2022, including 100 gigawatts from photovoltaic systems. The electricity generated in the newly built plants does, however, need to be transmitted to the load despatch centres, and the grid must absorb this new and widely fluctuating source of power in the best possible way. Also, India aims to improve energy efficiency/emission intensity of GDP by 33-35% by 2030 from 2005 level.
The conditions for integrating renewable energy into the grid and usage of energy efficiently, improved and PAT II cycle has more designated consumers.

GIZ is implementing the Indo-German Energy Programme (IGEN) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It liaises with the KfW Development Bank and works with its Indian partners. The Energy Programme promotes measures to improve energy efficiency and integrate renewable energy into the grid.
The Energy Programme consists of four parts:
- energy efficiency, especially for industry: PAT identifies particularly energy-intensive industries and selects individual companies within these sectors,
- development of the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) for multi-storey residential buildings,
- large-scale grid integration of renewable energies, Green Energy Corridor (GEC),
- photovoltaic (PV) roof systems.
The previous programme ran successfully in India from 2003 to 2015. Here are just a few of its achievements:
Great progress has been made in the push for labels indicating the energy consumption of household appliances and energy-intensive machinery and equipment. More than 10,000 professionals have passed exams to qualify as certified energy managers or energy auditors. The private sector now invests more than 400 million euros per year in measures aimed at improving energy efficiency. This has so far enabled energy savings worth 300 million euros per year. The world's first calculation basis for determining the CO2 emission factor for the Indian electricity supply grid has been developed with the help of the programme. In 2014, more than six million students in India entered a nationwide painting competition on the subject of energy conservation. A survey and performance review was carried out for 85 state-owned thermal power plants which identified potential annual savings of 6.92 million tonnes of coal. The first phase of PAT (2012 to 2015) not only resulted in energy savings but also reduced CO2 emissions by 31 million tonnes per year compared to the status quo.