Supporting Reform of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) System

Programme description

Title: Supporting Reform of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training System in Tajikistan
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Tajikistan
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan
Overall term: 2008 to 2016

Tajikistan. After learning to sew in a training centre, these young women set up their own business. © GIZ


In order to secure economic growth in Tajikistan, employers rely on trained and qualified personnel. The current vocational education and training system cannot meet the needs of the employers, neither in terms of quality nor quantity. There is a mismatch between the demands of the labour market and the supply of workers.

In addition, the labour market in Tajikistan is unable to provide sufficient jobs for all the employable people in the country. Many are therefore compelled to migrate to find work while, at the same time, positions remain unoccupied in the country.

Tajikistan lacks a standardised yet flexible vocational education and training system. Responsibilities are fragmented and not clearly defined. Given the infrastructural problems and shortage of personnel, the system is unable to absorb more than a fraction of school leavers each year. Many more opt for an academic education.

If the vocational training system is to be strengthened and the quality of the training courses and their relevance for the labour market ensured, employers must also be involved in all aspects of vocational education and training.


Graduates of vocational education and training programmes are more employable and have better chances of securing employment or setting up their own business.


The programme pursues four objectives:

  1. The Tajik Government and the private sector come together to design the legal and organisational framework for initial vocational training and vocational education for adults.
  2. The quality of and access to services for local and regional labour markets have improved.
  3. Needs-based initial training is offered to prepare graduates for dependent or independent employment and is extensively used.
  4. The content and regional distribution of vocational education and training courses for adults meet the needs of the business sector and ensure that there are equal opportunities for women and men.

The consulting firms GOPA, EPOS and INTEC support the implementation of the project.

Results achieved so far

The Government of Tajikistan is setting up a council for the coordination of vocational education and training, which will serve as a coordinating and steering body for all related issues.

It supports vocational education and training institutions in implementing new standards for selected professions. These standards have been developed by the government in close cooperation with the private sector.

With the support of the programme, selected vocational education and training institutions are better equipped in terms of resources and infrastructure.

Tajik teachers and multipliers have been given technical and educational training in certain occupations and now pass on their knowledge to other staff members and to participants in initial and continuing vocational education and training courses.

The management personnel in the vocational education institutions enhances its knowledge and skills as part of a continuing training concept developed by the programme.

Additional information