Call for Proposals 83464482

The Transparency, Integrity and Accountability Programme (TIP) supports state and non-state actors to contribute towards the implementation of the National Anti-corruption Strategy (NACS) in a whole-of-government and societal manner. The TIP provides capacity development for anti-corruption actors in the state, civil society and the business sector.

The TIP seeks to appoint a suitably qualified service provider to develop and implement a workshop on transparency, integrity, accountability and anti-corruption; design and implement an advocacy campaign camp; and design and implement a debating programme all for a youth group in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The assignment must deliver:

  1. A workshop using existing training material;
  2. A workshop where learners will develop a campaign to roll-out in their schools;
  3. Support for the campaign roll-out;
  4. A debating competition on the theme:
  5. A summary report.

GIZ invites eligible and professional companies with local presence in South Africa to participate in this tender.

Tender documents are available for downloading at the following link

Your proposal must be submitted to by 17 July 2024.

Please quote reference 83464482 when submitting the documentation. Late submissions will not be accepted.