The First Joint Taskforce Meeting on the Joint Project for Flood and Drought Management
The First Joint Taskforce Meeting on the Joint Project for Flood and Drought Management (a shared sub-basin between Cambodia and Thailand) was held on June 13th, 2024, in Bangkok, Thailand.
The meeting discussed the Terms of Reference (TOR) and outlined the action plans of the sub-basin Joint Commission, its governance structure, and financial sources. The meeting in principle agreed on the TOR of the Joint Commission and provided some comments on the document which requires The Mekong River Commission Secretariat to further update the TOR and share the updated version with countries for final check before the next Joint Task Force meeting.
This Joint Project, established to mitigate flood and drought impacts in one of the Mekong River sub-basins between Cambodia and Thailand, has made significant progress. The key achievements include the development of a Flood and Drought Master Plan, a digital Basin Atlas, and a Gender and Vulnerability Action Plan.
The Joint Project is one of the Transboundary Water Cooperation in the Lower Mekong Basin II (TWC II) regional project components, which mainly supports proposals in the transboundary water development and management of a sub-basin between Cambodia and Thailand to gain funding to implement a flood and drought master plan, including a joint early-warning System.
Please follow the link Promoting the Mekong River Commission (MRC) for improved joint water solutions - for more information about the Transboundary Water Cooperation in the Lower Mekong Basin II (TWC II)