Improving public administration
Attractive and Efficient Public Administration in Moldova
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2024 to 2026
Moldovan Agency for E-Governance, Moldovan Training Institute for Public Administration
Products and expertise
Governance and democracy
Moldova’s public administration is not in a position to achieve the government’s reform goals, organise its staff professionally and provide administrative services efficiently and in a citizen-oriented manner. There is a lack of personnel, expertise and finances. However, these are important factors in Moldova's accession to the European Union (EU). The government therefore needs better skills to manage public administration and public finances efficiently, and to make the civil service attractive.

The Moldovan public administration can better implement the government strategy, personnel management and services.
The project advises the Moldovan State Chancellery and the Ministry of Finance on better managing, monitoring and implementing important public administration reforms. In addition, it promotes the Moldovan administration's exchange with administrative experts and staff from the EU and other accession countries.
The project advises the State Chancellery on reforming staff organisation in the civil service. Better staff planning and performance-based recruitment and promotions contribute to a more attractive and efficient civil service. In particular, the aim is to promote women in management positions. The project also improves the skills of civil servants – such as in digitalisation and public finance – by expanding further training.
To enable the administration to provide better services, the project advises the State Chancellery on how to reorganise municipalities and districts, and how to better supervise local authorities. It also optimises and digitalises exemplary financial administration services. At the same time, it is expanding municipal services that advise citizens on how to use digital administrative services so that no one is left behind.
Last update: March 2024