Driving the green transition in the private sector
Green economy in Serbia
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2024 to 2026
Ministry of Economy, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia
Products and expertise
Economic development and employment
The Serbian economy is closely intertwined with Germany and the EU. This increases the pressure on the Serbian economy in terms of legal requirements, such as those arising from the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains. To continue to grow, the Serbian economy needs to transition into a climate-neutral, resource-efficient and inclusive economy, a ‘green economy’. However, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), in particular, which make up 99 per cent of Serbian companies, are currently not in a position to do so.
Serbian MSMEs can compete on international markets – despite global challenges. They are utilising the potential of the green economic transition in a profitable manner.

The project advises the Serbian Ministry of Economy on the transition to a green economy. It contributes important aspects to political strategies and processes, for example as part of the implementation of national industrial policies. At the same time, the project supports business organisations such as the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia in aligning their services with the needs of MSMEs – for example in the area of environmental protection.
The project supports selected MSMEs by providing expert advice and direct financial contributions to develop and implement green business models and practices, and thus utilise the potential of the green transition. They can thus create innovative products and services for the global market.
There is a particular focus on women-led businesses, especially micro-enterprises in agriculture and tourism.
The project consistently communicates important results from the project work to the public to raise awareness of the green transition among Serbian companies, political actors and the population.

Last update: March 2024