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Creating trust and promoting social cohesion in communities

Promoting social cohesion through dialogue and human rights in Ecuador

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2023 to 2026

  • Products and expertise

    Social development


Security in Ecuador has deteriorated considerably in recent years. In 2023, Ecuador had one of the three highest murder rates in relation to its population on the American continent.

In view of this situation, the Ecuadorian Government has introduced measures. Social cohesion in disadvantaged neighbourhoods plays a central role in the process. The Government faces the challenge of developing a common understanding of social cohesion and of coordinating strategies locally together with local governments and civil society.


Together, state institutions and civil society contribute to improving cohesion in municipalities.


The programme works together with local and national stakeholders from the government and civil society to improve social cohesion in the municipalities. It aims to promote cooperation between local and national authorities.

The project also advises the Ecuadorian Ministry of the Interior on building partnerships with other key actors in order to develop a common understanding and strategies for social cohesion. For example, it supports the Ministry in networking with state institutions such as the Ministry of Women's Affairs and the ombudsman institution as well as civil society, private sector and academic representatives.

The project promotes the skills of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups – especially women, young people, indigenous and Afro-Ecuadorian and LGTBIQ+ people –, as well as state institutions in dialogue, peaceful conflict resolution, civic participation and trust-based work with training and advisory services. In selected urban areas, the project supports the local population in improving neighbourhood relations and implementing community activities.

By strengthening opportunities for participation, the programme also helps citizens to gain more trust in state institutions.

Last update: January 2024

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