Front view of an Ethiopian woman holding her land certificate up for the camera.

Promoting responsible land policy worldwide

Global Programme Responsible Land Policy

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Co-financier

    European Union (EU)

  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2015 to 2026

  • Involved

    ECO-GOPA-Land Resources consortium, GFA Consulting Group GmbH consortium, NIRAS IP Consult GmbH-NIRAS Finland consortium, AFC Consultants International consortium, NIRAS - IP Consult GmbH consortium

  • Products and expertise

    Rural development and agriculture

A group of Laotians stand round a landscape model and discuss the area’s land use planning.


The livelihoods of large parts of the world’s population depend directly on access to land. However, many landowners and users possess only informal or traditional land rights, which are not sufficiently recognised. Competition and conflicts relating to land are symptomatic of the increasing pressure on land resources. For example, a lack of protective measures and planning transparency, combined with inadequate conflict resolution for large-scale agricultural investments, often leads to conflict, forced expropriation and displacement.


Access to land has improved for specific population groups, particularly women and marginalised groups, in selected partner countries.

Land rights matter


In cooperation with policy-makers in the countries involved, the project is working to improve the framework conditions for land policy and the legal situation of the population. The project focuses on three areas of action:

1. Securing land rights for the rural population through improved procedures
The project strengthens both individual and collective land and usage rights. Legal security is improved through property titles, long-term leases and agreements on use.

2. Promoting the participation of civil society in responsible land policy
The project supports civil society groups that participate in the implementation of new procedures for securing land rights. These perform an important role in monitoring conflicts and shaping dialogue processes, and act as service providers.

3. Improving the framework conditions for responsible private agricultural investment
Through a series of awareness-raising and dialogue activities, the project supports the responsible design of agricultural investments that take into account the rights and needs of the local population. In Ethiopia, Uganda and Laos, the European Union is involved in this (Responsible Governance of Investment in Land, RGIL).

The project is geared towards the corresponding guidelines of the United Nations (CFS VGGT) and the Committee on World Food Security (CFS RAI).

Five people look at the screen of a device surveying land in central Uganda.

Last updated: January 2023

Additional information


Strengthening land policy in Africa


Advancing Sustainable Rural Development


Conserving and rehabilitating soil to promote food security and climate protection