Initial and further training of skilled labour for recovery and rebuilding
Vocational Education and Training in Ukraine/Skills4Recovery
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2023 to 2026
Products and expertise
Economic development and employment

In the ongoing war in Ukraine, six million people have left the country, while an equally large number have been internally displaced. This migration is leading to a drastic shortage of skilled labour in the country’s economy, which is crucial for reconstruction. The key sectors, including construction, transport, logistics, information technology and agriculture, are also experiencing rising demand for labour: forecasts show that up to 4.5 million additional skilled workers will be needed by 2033.
Ukraine has skilled labour force for reconstruction.

The project operates in the six regions of Lviv, Vinnytsia, Chernivtsi, Kyiv, Poltava and Dnipro as well as in the economic sectors that are important for Ukrainian reconstruction.
It implements the following measures:
- It trains teachers and managers of vocational education and training providers in dealing with vulnerable groups such as former combatants and internally displaced people. The aim is to integrate them more easily into the labour market.
- The project promotes partnerships between VET training providers and companies in order to offer practice-oriented training courses.
- It also develops programmes on career orientation for young people, adults and vulnerable groups in the recovery-relevant economic sectors.
- In addition, it advises the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine on creating a conducive political and legal framework so that people can receive initial and further training.
Through these measures, the project can improve the skills of the labour force and promote equal opportunities for all population groups. In this way, it makes a long-term contribution to the economic reconstruction of Ukraine.
Last update: Dezember 2023