Initiativa Bogotá: Integrating displaced people
Support for Refugees, Migrants and Host Communities in Bogotá Metropolitan Area, Colombia
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2021 to 2024
Products and expertise
Security, reconstruction and peace

Colombia has taken in almost three million people who have left neighbouring Venezuela due to political and economic instability. Around eight million people have also been displaced within Colombia as a result of armed conflict. Most refugees, migrants and internally displaced people have settled in the capital city of Bogotá. This influx has become a major challenge for municipal administrations. Moreover, the economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have further exacerbated the situation.
The Office of the Mayor of Bogotá enables the socio-economic integration of refugees, migrants and internally displaced people.

Through innovative approaches and new technologies such as an inter-institutional information system, the project ensures that the municipal administration involves the target group in important processes and adapts integration services to people’s needs. The project includes activities to resolve conflicts, promote peaceful co-existence in the city neighbourhoods and create a positive dialogue on migration.
It also cooperates with private companies to integrate displaced people into the labour market. The project advises Venezuelan migrants and refugees as well as Colombian returnees on setting up businesses and supports microloans so that they can realise their business ideas.
Furthermore, the project works with Charité Berlin, the national health institute in Colombia and the health secretariat of the Office of the Mayor of Bogotá to contain and prevent COVID-19 and local diseases such as syphilis.

Last update: December 2023