A residential building with scaffolding and renovation work on the façade.

Demonstrating the benefits of energy-efficient housing in a Lviv district

Energy-efficient district of Lviv

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2018 to 2028

  • Products and expertise

    Sustainable infrastructure: water, energy, transport


The Ukrainian Government is working to make greater use of the high potential for energy efficiency in residential buildings. This is because heating residential buildings accounts for up to one third of total energy consumption, which means that Ukraine has one of the highest energy consumption rates in Europe in this sector.

In addition, energy renovations in Ukraine’s heating systems are necessary in order to achieve the nationally determined climate contributions (NDCs). However, flat owners often lack the financial means and technical knowledge for comprehensive energy renovations. At the same time, CO2 emissions have a negative impact on the environment. This also applies to the Ukrainian city of Lviv.


A residential area in Lviv demonstrates the technical and economic advantages of increased energy efficiency throughout the entire heat chain.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development is implementing the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda more effectively.

The Lviv City Council can better accompany thermal rehabilitation processes.


The project supports the Ukrainian Government, the Lviv City Council, the district heating company Lvivteploenergo and the home owners’ associations (HoAs).

  1. HoAs receive support for specific measures to reduce thermal energy consumption in selected buildings – in accordance with the requirements of the Energodim programme of the National Energy Efficiency Fund (EEF).
  2. A digital heat supply model in Sykhiv is being created together with the municipal company Lvivteploenergo. The model is used to analyse the district heating network and for strategic renovation planning.
  3. Heat pumps with a minimum total capacity of one megawatt will be integrated into the district heating system in Lviv.

Last update: November 2023

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