Golden statue of Justitia, the goddess of justice

Preventing corruption and promoting political participation

Corruption Prevention, Transparency and Participation (SinCero)

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2019 to 2023

  • Products and expertise

    Governance and democracy


In recent years, the Ecuadorian government has signed key international agreements and regional conventions that support anti-corruption, transparency and social participation. It has also enacted a number of laws and policies in these areas, and important institutions related to this have been set up as a result.

Nevertheless, corruption remains a major challenge for the rule of law in Ecuador. In particular, the structural, institutional, individual and procedural requirements for implementing international agreements on corruption prevention are lacking. This discriminates against people in terms of access to public services. Those who benefit are the ones who can influence the authorities through bribery or by exerting political pressure.


Governmental and non-governmental institutions are efficiently implementing measures to improve corruption prevention in Ecuador and bring it into line with international standards and initiatives.

Three people stand together. A woman holds a document.


The project aims to support Ecuador in improving corruption prevention. It is aimed at political decision-makers, opinion leaders, specialists and managers as well as employees of national and regional authorities involved in corruption prevention and transparency.

Measures implemented include the following:

  1. The project provides support to develop political strategies and mechanisms against corruption. It also advises on transparency, accountability and citizen participation and tests processes with governmental and non-governmental institutions.
  2. The project is also developing approaches for innovations, digital solutions and data and information in corruption prevention. Together with Deutsche Welle Akademie, it has already developed innovative approaches for data-based journalism in Ecuador.
  3. In a range of formats, the project also enables government and non-government officials to acquire skills in integrity and transparency.

Last update: November 2023

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