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Energy Efficiency Fund - Energy-efficient refurbishment of multi-family residential buildings

Support of the national energy efficiency fund and of a climate-friendly reform agenda (S2I)

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2018 to 2026

  • Products and expertise

    Sustainable infrastructure: water, energy, transport


Ukraine has one of the highest levels of energy consumption for heating of residential buildings in Europe – it accounts for up to one third of the country's total energy consumption. While the state invests heavily in providing subsidies for heating to   private households, the energy efficiency of residential buildings remains low. Renovations are necessary. In addition, the CO2 emissions produced when heating buildings have a significant negative impact on the environment.

The Ukrainian Energy Efficiency Fund (EEF) is a state institution that provides grants to  homeowners’ associations to refurbish heating systems in multi-family residential buildings. Refurbishment can usually reduce energy consumption by 20 to 50 per cent. This allows the state to save money in subsidising energy supply and make progress towards achieving Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).


The EEF is increasingly contributing to achieving the NDCs. It provides essential support for modernising heating systems in multi-family residential buildings.


The project strengthens the Ukrainian Government in strategic development of the EEF.

  1. To achieve this, it develops competences of employees of the state institution EEF through trainings. It also sets up the operation of the EEF Office and other EEF structures.
  2. The project supports Ukrainian construction market service providers in developing expertise in energy auditing, project design documentation and other technical areas for cooperation with the EEF.
  3. It also promotes information exchange through the International Climate Initiative (IKI), which allows Ukraine to strategically develop the EEF.

Last update: October 2023

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