A person operates a grinder in a workshop and sparks are coming out of it.

Promoting TVET and employment in Mozambique

Labour market orientation of national TVET and employment policies

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2023 to 2025

  • Involved

    GOPA Worldwide Consultants GmbH

  • Products and expertise

    Economic development and employment

A person in a blue uniform holding a steering wheel.


According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), about 80 per cent of working people in Mozambique engage in informal economic activities. Women’s chances of accessing higher-paid employment opportunities are limited and the unemployment rate among urban young people is 21 per cent. The general low level of education and training and the lack of labour market services supporting graduates from technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in finding and taking up employment leads to a lack of qualified workers who could contribute to economic development.

Despite reforms, the national TVET system does not cater sufficiently to labour market needs and its qualification range is not broad and diverse enough.

National employment and vocational training policies need to be better linked and more geared towards labour market needs and the government structures responsible for planning and implementing these policies must improve their capabilities in order to meet requirements and to coordinate the various contributions of different cooperation partners.


The labour market orientation of the Mozambican TVET and employment system is improved in the areas of policy, strategy and technical expertise.

A person welding a piece of metal.


The project works to improve the Mozambican TVET and employment system to better serve labour market requirements. One focus is enhancing the capacity of governing bodies so they can carry out their responsibilities more effectively. It also aims to promote transparent and coherent planning and implementation processes along with the necessary monitoring.

Moreover, the technical skills of TVET teachers will be improved through practical in-service training.

The project takes a gender and conflict sensitive approach and addresses the issues of equal opportunities in TVET and in the world of employment.

The consulting company GOPA Worldwide Consultants GmbH supports the project, above all in the implementation of capacity development measures.

Last update: September 2023