Supporting the dual vocational training system in Mexico
Consolidating and extending the dual vocational education and training system in Mexico (MMFD)
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2023 to 2026
Products and expertise
Economic development and employment

The Mexican Ministry of Education (Secretaría de Educación Pública, SEP) introduced dual vocational training in 2015, with the aim of establishing a practice-oriented training system as an option alongside school-based training. This is intended to meet the demand for skilled workers and open up job prospects for those who complete training programmes. A national steering committee has been working since 2022 to make the dual vocational training system more effective and more widely available across the country.
Since 2015, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has been supporting Mexican partners from the public and private sectors in further expanding and anchoring the dual vocational training system.
Yet, despite the progress that has been made, the number of people undertaking dual vocational training is still low – especially in states with less developed structures. In addition, women are underrepresented and are more likely to be trained for occupations offering fewer job opportunities and lower pay.
More young people and companies have benefited from a more gender-responsive dual vocational training system that meets the needs of the labour market.

The project focuses on measures involving business, policy-makers and society, which particularly benefit women and young people in disadvantaged regions.
It offers information events and vocational guidance to promote skills and encourage personal growth, with the aim of ensuring that female trainees feel better prepared for dual vocational training in industrial occupations.
It also seeks to boost the total number of companies participating in the dual vocational training system by holding information events and training sessions. Tailored strategies are also being developed and trialled for dual vocational training in lagging regions and for new target groups outside of upper secondary vocational schools.
The project also focuses on maintaining the quality of the training programmes and boosting acceptance of dual vocational training among companies and in Mexican society.
Last update: August 2023