Support for the Global Compact on Migration
Programme Shaping development-oriented migration (MEG)
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Global: Albania, Cameroon, Colombia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, India, Kosovo, Nepal, Serbia, Tunisia, Ukraine and Viet Nam
Political sponsors
2023 to 2026
Products and expertise
Economic development and employment
According to the United Nations, the number of international migrants rose to 281 million in 2020. Women make up almost half of this number. Migrants make an important contribution to development as a bridge between their countries of origin and the countries where they now live and work.
However, migration also entails risks when individuals leave their home countries due to lack of opportunities and expose themselves to great danger, or when migrants work in precarious conditions without social protection. The latter applies particularly to migrant women from low-income countries who work as carers and domestic workers.
The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), which was adopted in 2018, provides a political foundation for mitigating the risks of migration.
The countries cooperating with the project are implementing a range of goals for safe, orderly and regular migration as defined under the GCM, and they also use the engagement of the diaspora in Germany to achieve these goals.

The project operates in four priority areas:
- It supports political partners such as ministries of labour in establishing and expanding advisory services for individuals interested in migrating, and advises them on creating standards for ethical recruitment.
- It also supports the development-related activities of the diaspora in Germany, for example by subsidising assignments in the country of origin, and advises selected cooperating countries on implementing a diaspora strategy.
- As a contribution to the feminist development policy, the project supports political and civil society actors in the cooperating countries to minimise risks before and during the migration process.
- The project also strengthens global partnerships, for example by contributing to the UN Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund (M-MPTF) and providing financial support to the Global Data Institute established by the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
Last updated: August 2023