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Supporting administrative reforms in Jordan

Improved Governance to Support Jordanian Reform Projects (PARtner)

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2022 to 2026

  • Involved

    King Abdullah II for Excellence, The Institute of Public Administration (IPA, Jordan), Services and Public Administration Commission (SPAC, Jordan)

  • Products and expertise

    Governance and democracy


The Jordanian Government is facing a series of challenges, including crises in neighbouring countries, widespread unemployment, and high levels of debt, which are restricting its ability to act. These challenges intensify societal pressure on the state to push forward with reforms aimed at increasing public participation and improving service capabilities.

Consequently, the Jordanian Government has committed itself to boosting transparency and participation, initiating a comprehensive modernisation roadmap to make the public administration more responsive to the needs of the citizens.


The actions of the Jordanian public administration are focused more closely on the needs of the population.


The project improves the capabilities of Jordan’s public administration in order to develop a better relationship with the citizens. It aims to streamline administrative procedures and services to become more efficient, effective, and responsive to citizens’ needs.

The activities carried out by the project to achieve the stipulated reform goals include:

  • Advising the Prime Minister’s Office, training civil servants, and facilitating the implementation of reform strategies.
  • Promoting the adoption of regulations and legislation based on the needs of the population and scientific evidence. To achieve this, the project provides training for civil service employees to enable them to better assess the consequences of policies and regulations.
  • Supporting the Jordanian administration in introducing competency-based human resource management processes in the civil service, advising it on how to formulate skills-based job profiles and providing training on this subject.
  • Supporting public authorities in improving services to citizens through expert guidance on process analysis and design, quality standards, and user-oriented digitalisation.

Last update: February 2024

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