Boosting Local Leather Manufacturers in Botswana

On July 21, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Local Enterprise Authority Botswana (LEA), the Botswana Ministry of Agriculture, the GIZ Joint Action Support towards Industrialisation and the Productive Sectors (SIPS), the EU-SADC Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) and the Botswana Chamber of Mines (BCM) at the Local Enterprise Authority (LEA) Incubator in Gaborone, Botswana, to enable local leather manufacturers to produce industrial leather Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to the highest quality standards, with a focus on serving the mining industry. Industrial leather PPE is critical to ensuring the safety of workers in the mining sector. The MoU signing event demonstrated the shared commitment of partners to developing local manufacturing capabilities and promoting sustainable economic growth in Botswana.
The ceremony was graced by the presence of distinguished guests, including H.E. Mbakiso Morapedi, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Entrepreneurship; Ms. Mmadima Nyathi, Deputy P.S. of Technical Services from the Ministry of Agriculture; Amb. Margit Hellwig-Bötte, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Botswana and SADC; Ms. Silvia Bopp-Hamrouni, Deputy Ambassador of the European Union Delegation to Botswana and SADC; Mr. Calicious Tutalife, Acting Director of Industrial Development and Trade at the SADC Secretariat; Mr. Daniel Bagwitz, GIZ Country Director; and Mr. Godfrey Molefe, Acting Chief Executive Officer of LEA.
Five private sector companies from the textile manufacturing sector have been selected as the inaugural apprentices for a six-month training programme. Under the guidance of a specialist, they will receive training in business skills, machinery operation, and the production of high-quality industrial leather PPE, including gloves and aprons.
Mr. Godfrey Molefe, Acting CEO of LEA, highlighted the immense potential of the leather industry in Botswana for job creation and reducing import dependency through product development. H.E Mbakiso Morapedi expressed his enthusiasm for the establishment of a training programme, aligning with the country's reset agenda, to meet the local mining and industrial sectors' PPE needs under the Domestic Procurement Act of 2022.
The European Union's Deputy Ambassador, Ms. Silvia Bopp-Hamrouni, emphasized the importance of empowering youth with relevant skills and fostering entrepreneurship to bridge the skills gap and create self-sustained employment opportunities in Botswana.
Amb. Margit Hellwig-Bötte, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Botswana and SADC, praised the potential of the leather value chain to contribute to economic integration, diversification, and upliftment of the participants in the region. She emphasised the importance of all key partners contributing and committing to this achievement from their respective sides. In addition, Amb. Margit Hellwig-Bötte engaged with the partners individually, urging them to commit and articulate their specific contributions to the realisation of this project.
About the Local Enterprise Authority Botswana (LEA):
LEA's mandate, as per the Small Business Act (SBA), is to promote entrepreneurship and develop Small, Micro, and Medium Enterprises (SMMEs) through targeted interventions for economic growth and job creation. LEA envisions becoming the centre of excellence for entrepreneurship and sustainable SMME development in Botswana.
About the Support towards Industrialization and the Productive Sectors (SIPS) Joint Action, funded by the German Government and European Union:
The Support towards Industrialization and the Productive Sectors (SIPS) is a component of the GIZ programme, Cooperation for the Enhancement of SADC Regional Economic Integration (CESARE). The SIPS Joint Action aims to foster self-reliant economies, decrease import dependency, and build regional resilience in the SADC region. Focusing on the agro-processing and pharmaceutical sectors, SIPS addresses policy, regulatory, and business environment constraints to enhance the private sector's participation in these value chains.
About the EU-SADC Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) Programme, funded by the European Union:
The EU-SADC EPA is a development-focused trade agreement that grants asymmetric access to the partners in the SADC EPA group, including Botswana. The agreement aims to boost trade, economic diversification, foreign direct investment, and employment in targeted value chains.
In conclusion, the launch of the LEA Industrial Leather PPE Training marks a significant step towards empowering local leather manufacturers in Botswana and promoting sustainable economic growth. This collaborative effort demonstrates the commitment of partners to enhance local production capabilities and ensure worker safety in the mining sector.