Improving the traceability of budget planning and execution
Project Strengthening Good Financial Governance in Burkina Faso (PRBGF)
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2021 to 2024
Products and expertise
Governance and democracy
Almost half of Burkina Faso's population lives below the poverty line. Women and children are discriminated against in their access to basic social services such as health, education and others. This is the result of discriminatory budget planning.
The Ministry of Finance is not yet able to systematically ensure at all levels of responsibility that budget planning and execution comply with legal provisions and are subject to control.
The traceability of planning and budget execution is improving in accordance with international standards.

The project supports national and local actors in considering gender and children's rights in the preparation and implementation of their budgets. For example, all national ministries and institutions already take into account gender and children's rights when preparing their budgets. The local authorities are about to switch to gender-responsive budgeting and children's rights as well.
The introduction of climate-sensitive budgeting is also being implemented. Awareness-raising and capacity building of the actors concerned, the development of canvases, animation guides and training modules are carried out for this purpose.
It also supports the Burkinabe government through the General Directorate of Treasury and Public Accounting of the Ministry of Finance (DGTCP / MEFP) in the implementation of accounting reforms enacted by directives of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU). This includes developing a cash management guide, implementing the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2011/2014 and developing a standard database.
The project supports the Court of Auditors, the Legislative Assembly, civil society organisations and the Ministry of Finance in the context of public finance control.
Last update: June 2023