Labour Market Access Project (LMAP)
Labour Market Access Project (LMAP)
Labour Market Access Project (LMAP)
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Egypt, Ministry of Labour (MoL)
Egypt - Ministry of Labour (MoL)
2024 to 2027
Economic development and employment
Egypt faces significant economic challenges, including high unemployment rates, particularly among young people and women, as well as a lack of decent job opportunities. The labour market suffers from structural issues, including a mismatch between skills and demand, women's low economic participation and inadequate working conditions in the private sector. The government, specifically the Ministry of Labour (MoL), has initiated reforms to address these issues. The project supports the ministry in its efforts.
Young Egyptians have better access to decent employment.
In cooperation with the MoL, the project addresses work related key challenges. This includes developing effective future oriented labour market policies to create appropriate job opportunities and enhance the participation of women in the labour force. Digitalisation can further improve employment opportunities and the overall quality of work. Moreover, it can foster the employability of youth.
To advance the current situation, the project puts the following measures in place:
Last update: Februar 2024