Technical and Career Orientation in Abu Dhabi
Technology and Career Centers Abu Dhabi
Technology and Career Centers Abu Dhabi
Presidential Court Abu Dhabi
Presidential Court Abu Dhabi
Presidential Court Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
2022 to 2025
Emirates National Schools (ENS)
Emirates National Schools (ENS)
Economic Development and Employment
Nearly 80 percent of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) population works in the public sector. Specialised jobs are largely performed by foreign workers. As a result, the UAE’s economy is heavily dependent on immigrant professionals, particularly in the technical and service sectors.
The UAE Government therefore wishes to train local workers for employment in technical and service occupations in order to mitigate a future shortage of skilled labour.
Students at the Emirates National Schools (ENS) are interested in technical professions and have acquired initial manual and technological skills. They have gained insights into working life and are therefore better prepared for their first job. The UAE Government successfully trains UAE workers, and this helps to meet the needs of the local economy.
On behalf of and in close cooperation with ENS, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH manages two Technology and Career Centers (TCC) in Abu Dhabi, which are designed to add vocational preparation to the ENS curriculum.
The Centers are based on the German dual vocational training system. Students in grades 8 to 11 are familiarised with state-of-the-art technologies and obtain vocational qualifications. Projects lasting several weeks in technology, service and design encourage students to explore their talents and interests.
In workshops that replicate real-world workplaces, students are instructed by experts from industry and business, ensuring that the training closely aligns with the practical needs of the labour market. GIZ not only advises its partners on the academic TCC model, but is also responsible for the organisation and operation of the TCCs.
Last update: July 2023