Creating prospects through new forms of tourism
Promotion of sustainable tourism in Tunisia
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), European Union
European Union
2019 to 2024
Products and expertise
Economic development and employment

Following the political revolution in 2011, Tunisia faced significant social and economic challenges that have been further exacerbated by the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and the economic impacts of the war in Ukraine. This primarily affects young people and women, particularly in Tunisia’s interior.
The tourism industry represents one of the most important sectors in Tunisia’s economy and creates thousands of jobs. However, it is mainly concentrated in conventional beach tourism in the coastal regions. Regions with weaker economies and, above all, the rural population do not benefit enough from Tunisia’s tourism potential.
The Tunisian Government has expanded the options for cultural, culinary and natural tourism, and promotes synergies and markets different destinations.
The project works with the Government and companies to foster Tunisia’s tourism industry in the long term. In selected regions, it creates alternative tourism options that focus on culture, food and nature by developing products with the Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA) and promoting networking within the industry.
Together with the Tunisian association Carthage Business Angels (CBA) and the Tunisian Association for Management and Social Stability (TAMMS), the project supports start-ups with innovative ideas for alternative tourism offers. Theme-based routes help to network and promote special attractions with high tourism potential. The project is developing such routes together with Leaders International and the Creative Tourism Network.
To improve the long-term competitiveness of the local tourism sector, the project is working with the Swiss foundation Swisscontact to found organisations to manage the various destinations. In addition, the project creates spaces in which tourism companies and firms from other relevant sectors can develop innovative business ideas together.

Last update: June 2023