Inclusive gender-sensitive TVET for a green and digital future
Sector Project Technical and Vocational Education and Training
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2023 to 2026
High-quality technical and vocational education (TVET) and higher education improve employability and increase participation in economic and social life. To the same extent, skilled workers are important to the economic development of every country. In the past, TVET and higher education systems in many of Germany’s partner countries have not been adequately aligned with the needs of the labour market.
TVET, higher education and science must address the challenges of climate change, displacement and migration, and digitalisation.
The global challenge for German development cooperation over the coming years will be to develop solutions for future-relevant green and digital topics and to implement them in TVET, higher education and science.

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) uses strategies, methods and approaches to promote equal access to high-quality, inclusive TVET and higher education that is aligned with the needs of the labour market.
The project operates in three fields of activity:
- It advises BMZ on fundamental and cross-cutting issues. The aim is to develop strategies for general and cross-sectoral topics in vocational education and training.
- The project positions German development cooperation in TVET, higher education and science, thereby strengthening BMZ’s role in national, European and international networks. The project also offers guidance on development policy-focused university management, partnership and scholarship programmes, showing both German and international universities and scientific research institutions how they can contribute their potential to development cooperation.
- The project develops skills that are needed for a green economy and a sustainable society (‘just transition’) and introduces forward-thinking educational approaches into policy consulting.
In addition, it has produced numerous publications and films and organised various events to showcase TVET, higher education and research in development cooperation.
Last update: June 2023