Promoting the climate-friendly transport transition through political and expert dialogue in Asia and Germany

Transformation in the mobility sector in Asia and Germany

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport

  • Country

    Japan, South Korea, People’s Republic of China

  • Runtime

    2023 to 2027

  • Products and expertise

    Sustainable infrastructure: water, energy, transport


Transportation plays a central role in achieving both national and international emission reduction targets and creating liveable public spaces. In order to reach climate-neutrality by 2045, Germany aims to promote electromobility and alternative fuels, to support active mobility, including cycling and walking, and to invest in the public transport and railway infrastructure. Advanced as well as emerging Asian economies, such as South Korea, Singapore, Japan, and China, are facing similar challenges in designing low-emission, efficient and integrated mobility concepts. This creates opportunities and potential for mutual learning and exchange on climate-friendly transport.


The policy and technical dialogue between Germany and China on climate-friendly transport has been strengthened. Dialogue with other Asian countries on the comprehensive transition of transport systems has been initiated.


The project supports the dialogue between the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) and political institutions, research institutes and industry representatives that are responsible for the transport transition in East Asian cooperation countries. A particular focus is set on the exchange with China in the field of electromobility and alternative fuels.

The project also evaluates transport-specific developments in East Asian countries and performs comparative analyses, conducts research and commissions expert studies. Specialist events organised by the project promote discussions on specific courses of action for a comprehensive transport transition and provide a space to assess policies in other country contexts as well as to evaluate their transferability.

Last update: January 2025

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