Sport for Development in Africa: Teaming Up for Gender Equality!
Sport for Development in Africa (S4DA) Regional Project
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2022 to 2025
Products and expertise
Social development
Women and girls are still disadvantaged and discriminated against in almost all areas of social, economic, and political life. As a consequence of COVID-19, girls and women have been increasingly prevented from accessing education and employment opportunities and are suffering from an increase in gender-based violence. The main reasons for the persisting inequalities are cultural, legal, and economic barriers that are often deeply rooted in societal norms, patriarchal power structures and individual interests.
Sports-based approaches promote gender equality, the transformation of stereotypical gender roles, and social and job-relevant skills on the pan-African, national, and regional levels.
The Sport for Development in Africa (S4DA) Regional Project uses sport and physical activities as a tool to promote gender equality by empowering women and girls and by fostering positive masculinity in boys and men. The application of safeguarding principles ensures that activities take place in an environment that is free from harm and abuse creating safe spaces for all.
- works closely with the African Union Sports Council (AUSC) to strengthen its leadership role in promoting development through sport in Africa;
- engages with regional partners: the project fosters regional initiatives and supports regional networks and dialogue between countries to promote S4D approaches;
- equips partners with concepts: S4DA improves the awareness and capacities of partner governments and organisations to use sport and physical activity as a tool for development;
- supports gender-transformative approaches by empowering girls and women through sport, fostering positive masculinity and raising awareness of gender-based prejudice.

Last update: March 2023