Combating illegal logging and timber trade
Support to the FLEGT VPA implementation in Viet Nam
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2021 to 2024
Products and expertise
Climate, environment, management of natural resources

Illegal logging and trade in illegal timber are global concerns that require conclusive and comprehensive action. To address these challenges, the European Union (EU) presented the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan 2003 and corresponding legislation in 2005.
Viet Nam’s timber industry has been developing rapidly over the last years. In 2021, Viet Nam was the second largest country in Asia and fifth in the world in terms of timber export value – reaching nearly 15 billion US dollars. However, the timber for further processing in Viet Nam is often imported from countries with a high rate of timber sourced from illegitimate origins.
Recognising the global challenges with trade in illegal timber and the growing role of Viet Nam’s timber industry, Viet Nam and the EU signed a Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) on FLEGT in 2018. In this, Viet Nam commits to only export legal timber products to the EU. At the same time, the EU agrees to give verified legal products – FLEGT-licensed timber – automatic access to the EU market.

In 2020, Viet Nam issued Decree 102 detailing its system to assure the legality of its timber. While this has been an important step in realising the stipulations of the VPA, both parties agreed on follow-up measures to further align Viet Nam’s legal system to the VPA and to enhance the capacities of organisations like verification agencies, private enterprises and timber associations.
Viet Nam is working towards realising the objectives of the VPA by improving legal, institutional, and operational conditions.

The projects main activities are:
- Aligning the legal framework and reinforcing the institutional set-up for FLEGT VPA implementation,
- Developing the capabilities of relevant actors along the value chain,
- Supporting the monitoring and evaluation framework for FLEGT VPA implementation.
Potentials for fostering gender equality are used throughout all activities.
Last update: November 2022