Establishing Centres of Excellence and Institutes of Training of Trainers under the Gujarat Apex Training Institute (GATI)
Project description
Title: Gujarat Apex Training Institute (GATI)
Commissioned by: The Government of Gujarat, India
Financier: The Government of Gujarat, India
Country: India
Lead executing agency: The Government of Gujarat, India, specifically the Directorate of Employment and Training
Overall term: 2022 to 2025

The Indian state of Gujarat has an evolving skill development ecosystem which has come a long way from offering conventional vocational education to providing industry-relevant hi-tech skilling with active industry participation. Despite the fact that it is one of the most industrialised states in India, there are several factors that inhibit the skills-development ecosystem from scaling up to the desired levels. These can be mainly categorised as average quality of training, limited industry engagement, low capacity-utilization, and a lack of institutional governance.
The vocational training programmes of the Industrial Training Institute (ITIs) have improved in terms of quality and industry relevance.
The Institutes of Training of Trainers (iToTs) and the Centres of Excellence (CoEs) will be offering advanced technology training courses for trainers, trainees and industry personnel in a sustainable manner to benefit vocational students and industry in Gujarat. The institutes will be developed as world-class training institutes based on international standards, systems and technical expertise supported by a Hub based out of Ahmedabad. Gujarat Apex Training Institute (GATI) will upgrade a total of 4 CoEs and 8 iToTs.
With the support of GIZ, the Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) will provide:
- high-tech-oriented technical training with technical services, blended learning and consultancy
- market-driven long- and short-term courses in the domain of modern technology
- training for teachers from vocational training institutes to develop and upgrade their abilities to achieve enhanced outreach and impact
The CoEs will simultaneously run industry-driven courses and trainings for industry trainers and fresh candidates, etc. in the sectors of automotive technology, electrical and energy management, advanced manufacturing, as well as electronics and information and communication technology.
Last update: November 2022