Promoting decentralisation
Project description
Title: Good Governance and Decentralisation IV
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Togo
Lead executing agency: Ministère de l’Administration Territoriale, de la Décentralisation et du Développement des Territoires (MATDDT) / Ministry of Territorial Administration, Decentralisation and Development of Territories (MATDDT)
Overall term: 2022 to 2025

In 2019, with its first municipal elections in 32 years, Togo adopted the law that gave the 117 municipalities public duties for the first time. Since then, the communities have urgently needed resources, capacities and structures – the funds available do not yet cover the costs and necessary investments. The administration’s ability to act and provide services has also not been ensured. Digital skills are limited too.
The Ministry of Territorial Administration, Decentralisation and Development of Territories (MATDDT) lacks the human and financial resources required to advise the municipalities, steer municipal development and support the newly elected representatives.
Through decentralisation and deconcentration, good local governance, including its leveraging function for municipal development, is improved.

Since 2013, the project has supported the Togolese Government in improving the general conditions for developing and implementing decentralisation. In its fourth phase, the programme is working on the following points since February 2022:
- Advising MATDDT and the Ministry of Economy and Finance on improving the legal, institutional and political framework for decentralising administration and finance management, while also developing the capacities and performance of civil servants in these ministries.
- Enhancing the skills of the key stakeholders in the decentralisation process, especially MATDDT, the Togolese tax authority, the Ministry of Human Rights, the national school of administration, public universities and the Togolese local government association (FCT).
- Advising 10 municipalities in 5 regions in local development planning and to improve transparent and accountable management of local finances. The project is also assisting in improving basic services and in promoting citizen participation, especially of women and young people.
Last update: July 2022