Improving prospects in Moldovan communities

Project description

Title: Strong Businesses and Communities for Moldova
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Co-funded by: European Union (EU), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Country: Republic of Moldova
Lead executing agency: State Chancellery of the Republic of Moldova
Overall term: 2022 to 2026


The Republic of Moldova is one of Europe’s poorest countries. In rural regions, particularly, the population does not have equal access to public services such as water and sanitation, local public transport, education or employment.

There is a high level of youth unemployment in Moldova. At the same time, Moldovan and foreign companies find it extremely difficult to find qualified staff. One reason for this is that vocational training is insufficiently focused on the needs of the private sector.

Women and marginalised groups are particularly hard-hit by these challenges.


The population in Moldova has better socio-economic prospects.


The project supports the reform efforts in five fields of action:

  1. Citizen-oriented basic services: for basic services such as waste management and water supply, the project is drawing up plans of action with municipalities, operating companies and regional development agencies.
  2. Integrated urban development: the project supports integrated urban development in two partner cities. It involves citizens and business stakeholders in the planning of infrastructure projects.
  3. Regional economic development: local administration, the business community and civil society jointly seek measures to promote the local economy. These measures are also designed to reach women and marginalised groups.
  4. Vocational education and training: to gear vocational training to the requirements of the labour market, the project identifies the demand for skilled workers and promotes modern dual vocational training.
  5. Economic promotion: the project collaborates with institutions for economic promotion in order to encourage direct investments and make it easier for Moldovan companies to access international markets.

The EU and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) are involved in funding the project.

Last update: July 2022

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