Creating employment prospects for young people in South Africa
Project description
Title: Support to the Initiative for Youth Employment (S2PYEI)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: South Africa
Lead executing agency: The Presidency
Overall term: 2021 to 2024

South Africa faces a national crisis of unemployment, and young people are among those most affected. Particularly in economically marginalised settings such as townships and rural areas, many young South Africans are not transitioning from learning to earning. The Presidential Youth Employment Intervention (PYEI) is the South African Government’s most comprehensive response to this urgent challenge to date. It brings together a large variety of partners and relevant actors, and they work to accelerate efforts to build sought-after skills and support youth entrepreneurship. The project also provides young people with opportunities for practical work experience, training and employment. The South African Presidency coordinates the implementation of the PYEI through a dedicated Project Management Office (PMO).
The capacities of the PMO and PYEI implementing partners to coordinate and implement the PYEI are strengthened.
The project works with the PMO as part of the Presidency to support the coordination and implementation of programmes that make up the PYEI. There are two main areas of activity.
Firstly, the project supports the Presidency in engaging and coordinating national and international partners that support the PYEI. This includes facilitating dialogue with key external partners on the improved coordination of activities in PYEI priority areas. It also provides support in the communication, documentation, knowledge and learning of PYEI-related matters and activities.
Secondly, the project aims to consolidate capabilities in organisations that implement PYEI in order to make their programme execution more effective. It advises the PMO and its partners on how to address systemic barriers for micro, small and medium enterprises using instruments such as the Local Ecosystem Enablement Fund. Overcoming barriers such as access to the internet and electricity makes it easier for entrepreneurs and businesses to operate and enables them to create additional jobs.
The project thus assists the PMO and partners in creating and improving the conditions crucial for successful coordination and delivery of the PYEI.
Last update: March 2022