Strengthening the participation of women in the rehabilitation and peace process in Iraq
Project description
Title: Strengthening the Participation of Women in the Rehabilitation and Peace Process in Iraq
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Iraq
Lead executing agency: Council of Ministers with its subordinate Directorate of Women’s Empowerment
Overall term: 2019 to 2023

Gender discrimination makes access to education, health care and employment difficult for women and girls in Iraq. Opportunities for social and political participation are severely restricted because of a patriarchal society, gender stereotypes and widespread violence against women and girls.
The Government of Iraq has implemented a series of national plans and laws designed to strengthen women's participation. However, due to patchy implementation, women remain underrepresented in the rehabilitation and peace process, and in the transitional justice and national reconciliation process. They also face high levels of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and have to deal with harmful and discriminatory practices.

Iraqi women play an equal and active role in shaping the rehabilitation and peace process.

The project adopts a cross-sectoral approach, which focuses on skills development and capacity building at individual and institutional level, on social dialogue and awareness-raising measures. The project also seeks to improve cooperation between government stakeholders at national and regional level, and cooperation with religious and tribal leaders. This will be achieved by:
- supporting the implementation of the second Iraq National Action Plan on promoting the rights of women, preventing violence and increasing women’s participation in the peace process, as set out in Resolution 1325 of the UN Security Council (UNSCR 1325);
- strengthening gender competence among state service providers to enable them to deal with the survivors of violence against women;
- producing campaigns in collaboration with women-led NGOs to dismantle gender stereotypes;
- improving the living conditions of Yazidi women with the help of income-generating activities and psychosocial support measures.
Last updated: December 2021